Current Sundial 30". 20 Long (OR) 29 High, Help Help He


New Member
This just in!! So I was at the store buying the 20 Long, when I saw this Top Fin 29 gallon tank. It has black sealant instead of clear. It looks pretty awesome like that. They don't make the 20 longs like that locally.

So now I am wandering if the light I bought would do the trick on a 29 gallon. I mean it will fit perfect but will it be enough light???? since the tank would be 6 inches higher???? I do not ever intend on having LPS or a clam in the tank.

A brief rundown of what I will want in the tank:

-colony polyp-green
-green striped mushroom
-red mushroom
-bubble coral
-hammer coral (maybe)
-frogspawn (maybe)
-toadstool mushroom (maybe)
-sun polyp

-electric blue hermit
-bumble snail

-pair Ocellaris Clownfish

The reason I am asking this is I have asked two different LFS and one said the sundial would be suffecient light on a 29 gallon and the other said it would not. Heres a pic of the light.

Current USA Nova SunDial T5 Aquarium Lighting Fixture, 4X24 Watt, 30 inch



New Member
I have 6 55w T5s on my 90 gallon and that is quite enough light for my tank. I don't know how much is lost going to the 24w bulbs, but math makes me think it should be *ok* although some things may have to go in the upper half of your tank.


New Member
I don't see why it wouldn't work. You seem to be aware of your lighting limitations, and most lower light requirement corals will be fine under those lamps, IMO. Placement would be key, as always.