Lemme guess, pic three, and maybe pic four are the ones that closed up?
It looks like:
pic one - discosoma (sp?)
pic two - ricordia florida
pic three - hairy mushrooms (I don't remember the family name)
pic four - possibly another hairy speices, but I don't think so.
It's totally normal for hairy shrooms to close up like this. Shrooms are closely related to anemones, and some retain more movement ability than others. I've actually lost a couple fish to these types of mushrooms.
I really like the pink polyps in the fourth picture. I had some just like it that my black occellaris used to try to host. The thing was she was bigger than the colony so just her head would get in there with her body sticking up out of the middle of them. :lol: All your stuff looks very healthy. Good job.