cup coral


New Member
I doubt it'll do very well. Mine never seemed very happy in my 55g...Even under 130w PC.

Now that it's under the vho/mh combo it's doing much better. However I'm not sure it's because of the additional light, or because of the higher flow. Either one of which is gonna be a problem in a 6g.



New Member
leaffish75 said:
maybe ill move it to the 20. I was looking great in the store when i bought it and it was under PCs.
It's nearly impossible to judge what will do well in our tanks by how it looks in the store. Other than display tanks a LFS tank isn't set up to maintain corals/fish long term. They are tanks for holding the livestock short term until someone purchases them. 35 clownfish in a 20g tank isn't acceptable, and nearly everyone understands that....The same can be said for many of the corals in the LFS.

If it's a small cup I'd go for it. I'd monitor polyp extension. If it stops extending them fully, try moving it to a higher flow area. If it's still not extending, try more light.
