Crocea from my 20 gal pic


New Member
Here's my Crocea from my 20 gallon tank. I was worried at first about the lighting not being enough but hes been looking good and healty for about 3 months now!



New Member
Thats a nice looking clam. I'd love to have a deresa, but I'm worried it would grow too fast for my 12 gallon.


New Member
It in my 20 gallon which has 65X2 watts of PC light. Its near the top of my tank and is doing great. I feed cyclopeeze and DTs on alternating days.

I prob. would have gotten a clam a long time ago if I knew it was possible (and healthy) to keep one under PCs.

Best part is I picked that clam up for $18! :shock:


New Member
LOL...I got the first one I tried for about the same price. One of the LFS here got a huge shipment in near X-mas, and they priced them according to color. I picked one of the lower quality ones because I wasn't sure it would do ok under 130w of pc lights because you always hear "You have to have MH to keep clams". Mine did fine for about 18months, even made it through the move, then it croaked very suddenly about a month ago. The landlady had an electrician rewiring a portion of the house. He managed to turn everything off for longer than was good for the tanks. He also managed to somehow break the siphon on the overflow on our 40gal so when he did turn stuff back on he flooded things. Instead of calling us (they all had our numbers and instructions to call us), they just mopped up the water and left everything off for another 2hrs until my wife came home.
