Coralife 96W Quad


New Member
Hey all, I was just curious what exactly I could keep under the 96W quad fixture from Coralife? I am in the process of switching from a 5 gal hex FOWLR to a 10 gal mini-reef. Size and growth apart, I was hoping I would be able to keep one of the Tridacna Crocea or Maxima clams? Also any coral suggestions are appreciated. Thanks so much.


New Member
I personally wouldnt try to keep a crocea and a maxima is going to be even more light-demanding. I hold to the belief that clams really shouldnt be housed without metal halide and or T5HO lighting. As far as other corals go, with the 96 watter on a 10g tank you should be able to keep just about anything and maybe even some lower-light montiporas. What kind of corals did you have in mind?



New Member
Well, I am still researching so at the moment I don't have a specific list. I am open to any suggestions, as I am new to the "reef" aspect of saltwater. What are some things that are fairly easy to start with and care for?