Coral Feeding


New Member
Hi guys,

Yesterday, i fed my plerogyra sp (bubble coral) some Wardley Shrimp Pellets by dropping a few into his tentacles. The Bubble wasted no time and sucked them under his bubbles to his mouth, i presume.

This morning i woke up and he spat out some palee brown gunk. (i'm quite sure its him). Is this normal?? And, if not, what should i do??


New Member
Never heard of anyone useing a shrimp pelet to feed there coral. Just pieces of real shimp chopped up. If it is the same color as the pelets then it probally is just that. Try feeding it real shrimp and see if it doesnt keep that down.


New Member
Pellet food probably isn't the best choice to try to feed corals. Meaty foods like mysis, brine, krill, cyclopeze, maybe something as large as silversides, are all good choices. Personally I've never taget-fed my brains, frogspawns, bubbles, etc.. The only coral that I target feed is my sun polyps.



New Member
I feed a mixture of mysis and cyclopeeze. All the corals I feed spit out brown crap... especially my open brain. Every night after feeding I have big clumps of it on my brain and usually blow it off with a turkey baster.