Coral Banded Shrimp


New Member
I had one of these in my old FOWLR tank. I really like the way they look, very powerfull (for a shrimp). But...are they reef safe? I've read some posts about them eating other shrimp (the sexies) but I wanted opinions about them in general. I'd like to get one, but not if it's going to be a huge PITA later. The other reason I like them is they aren't shy.


New Member
Mine was pretty cool for several months, then it became agressive. It got at least one cleaner shrimp, and I saw it attempt to get a few fish. I had small fish just go missing, as well as sexy shrimp, and a blood shrimp and attributed it all to the CBS. Mine was also fairly shy, and totally nocturnal. I was shocked when I went over to another reefers house and his was running around in the open while the lights were on.


New Member
Hmmm...well i was thinking of getting the smallest one at the store so he'd have room to grow AND so that he couldn't be as damaging in the mean time. My old one was all over the place, mostly perched on top of the tallest piece of LR showing his prowess. I had a scooter blenny in there that never seemed the worse for wear and a cleaner shrimp as well who seemed fine. The powerhead eventually blended the blenny into food but the shrimp never did much.

I'm mostly curious about coral interaction. I'm wondering if your water flow may have been too strong for it. In my old 30 I just had one small powerhead which was not enough, but maybe it was why he was able to run around so much. I don't know. I also want a cheap shrimp just to make sure the evil pods don't try to kill it.


New Member
My CBS is a model reef citizen. He doesn't seem to bother any inhabitants other than my fish. In fact, he goes after any fish that is within grabbing distance every chance he gets and he thinks hes the king of my tank. Hes never managed to get one yet. I also have not dared to put sexy shrimp in my 20g b/c I would think he would snatch them up.

He is not shy at all and goes after my hand when its feeding time or whenever I've got my hand in there. I go back in forth with him. He's the first thing that most people comment about who have never seen a reef tank. Sometimes I hate that fact that hes so aggressive. Sometimes I love it when hes standing on the top of my liverock 'ruling' his reef :D


Active Member

I personally love these predominately nocturnal creatures but they do change with their surroundings and adapt quickly. I had him in a 6 gallon eclipse for about 1 year.

He was hosted with 2 blood shrimps, one cleaner shrimp, two harlequin shrimp, one sally light foot crab, and several small corals and some frags and three small damsels.

CBS would hover in one spot and in the night cruise the tank everything got out of his way except the harlequins they didn't move.

I did risk the chance of losing something and I did, my sally light foot crab when she molted she got caught and was being eaten by the CBS.

I was sad but I knew it was my falt. I did move them all up to a 20 gallon long and when the CBS started geting more bold I introduced a fiji devil blue damsal, they would fight often, with some rounds going to the shirmp but more to the damsal; as a result the CBS would have missing claws and he would chill out unitl he regrew them.

They know when there guns have been removed....

They are very cautious shrimp that love the nocturnal life checking in between rocks for food. They grow rather quickly like the cleaner so beware....



New Member
Do you think a CBS and a citron goby would interact well together in a 40gal? I would like to get a CBS but I also plan on getting a few small fish, but I do not want the damn shrimp dining of my fishes.


Active Member
Wrong move Phischy,

I've had a friend lose 2 citron gobies to CBS. He told me that during the night he saw the CBS cruising the tank checking all the crevices and bam he caught the goby off guard and severly injured him.

Next day he say the hermits eating the remains. If the Goby host a strong coral like an elegance, or plate the CBS will not bother, but my friend didn't have any host for protection.

It's risky, but you know the wild side of nature has it's ways...



New Member
Phischy said:
Do you think a CBS and a citron goby would interact well together in a 40gal? I would like to get a CBS but I also plan on getting a few small fish, but I do not want the damn shrimp dining of my fishes.
The original yellow clown I had never got caught by my CBS. I think that any small fish is gonna be a potential meal for him. The CBS is naturally nocturnal, and most of our reef fish are diurnal. When they are wedged into cracks and crevices sleeping the CBS is out hunting for food. This isn't the best combo. :D

I swore I wouldn't put another CBS into my reef tank. I managed to capture many problem fish outta my tanks, but I didn't manage to catch the CBS until I actually broke the tank down to move. PITA. If you're determined to get one this is the only one that has tempted me since I swore not to do it again. ... CatId=1134
