I personally love these predominately nocturnal creatures but they do change with their surroundings and adapt quickly. I had him in a 6 gallon eclipse for about 1 year.
He was hosted with 2 blood shrimps, one cleaner shrimp, two harlequin shrimp, one sally light foot crab, and several small corals and some frags and three small damsels.
CBS would hover in one spot and in the night cruise the tank everything got out of his way except the harlequins they didn't move.
I did risk the chance of losing something and I did, my sally light foot crab when she molted she got caught and was being eaten by the CBS.
I was sad but I knew it was my falt. I did move them all up to a 20 gallon long and when the CBS started geting more bold I introduced a fiji devil blue damsal, they would fight often, with some rounds going to the shirmp but more to the damsal; as a result the CBS would have missing claws and he would chill out unitl he regrew them.
They know when there guns have been removed....
They are very cautious shrimp that love the nocturnal life checking in between rocks for food. They grow rather quickly like the cleaner so beware....