

New Member
okay--like i said before -my nano tank is doing so great

there is just so much little critters everywhere!
i must have like a thjousand copepods on my glass of my tank-even when i clean the glass-the next day they are back-are they good for the tank? is too many copepods bad?i only see copepods on glass but do copepods roam my tank as well like on the rocks and sand??? i also have these tiny clear worm looking critter on my rock-they look cool as they seem to stretch to eat and retract back at there place-they dont seem to move except like i said-they like stetch but go back-do you guys have any idea what these guys are??
i also noticed these litlle snail looking tiny clear critter on my class-they look like tiny snails with no shells? is that possible as well??


New Member
This happened to me (a bloom) about a month or two after I bought copods on line. The fish were shaking to get them off. After a couple of weeks it subsided and became back to normal. Still have lots of them but they are in the plants and on the rocks.