Cool looking snail thing at my LFS


New Member
Hi guys,

I was at my LFS today and they have been getting some different stuff these days. They had this bright colored snail think that did not have a shell. I want one but was able to make it out of the store without one. I got home and pulled out my Baensch Marine Atlas and I think it is a (Hypselodoris bullockii) it in the Nudibranchs family. Does anyone have one? Would it do ok in my Nano Reef tank? It s so colorfull The book does not say much about it.

Thanks for you help.



New Member
I have no real knowledge of them but I know that most nudis dont do well long term in a nano. If they die they release toxins that can nuke the tank,hopefully others will have input/experience with them HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
I would suggest avoiding any sort of nudi...each species has a specific the Velvet nudi that only feeds on flatworms. Once that food source is gone, they starve. And then as metioned earlier by sadie, they can release chemicals that can harm other inhabitants. They are definitely one of the prettiest, and hard to resist, additions that you can make to your tank...but dont fall for it.



Staff member
These are definitely better suited for a much larger tank that has been set up for awhile an is quite mature and stable. They are extremely attractive and hard to resist though.


New Member
I will not get one but next time I am there I will take a picture and post.

Thanks for all your help. I don't want to nuke my tank thats for sure.



New Member
tell me about it nemo nano i wanted some too but not need the nuke issue in my tank...and like they say is really hard to resist one day i met a really bit.. girl she got on my nervs anyways she was getting a lot of the nudis and i was wondering how did she was able to keep them so i ask and she reply i dont know i just give them some dry weed but some of them die thats why i get the fat nudies i can get and different colors so they last until i can get more... they only get smaller and smaller and then die..... i was how terrible to do that quit an investment ha .and also what a bit...she was ... i wish there was a way to keep them i love them too... maybe just i small tank for them but the bad thing is the special diet for them.... maybe someday we will be able to do that.. ....but not know.... :lol: anyways if you liked the ones that you sow look at this link they have some pretty nudis and there is a pic of the one you liked.... ... iusi01.htm

eddy :cool1:


New Member
Is amazing how marine slugs can be so pretty and colorful meanwhile in earth they are terrible they make me nauseas.....really horrible creatures and slime too....but love the ones on marine world ...(i wish i was a fish)

eddy :cool1: