condylacti anemone?


New Member
found a cute little anemone today called condylacti for like 3.50 and figured it couldnt hurt to try it out... looks really healthy bright white tentacles with bright pink tips..

but i cant find anythign on it online... anyone know anything?



New Member
Skip it. They're not a particulaly good choice for a reef, and clowns won't host in one. ... pCatId=619

Nanos and anemones are problematic. You'll need very high lights, and they're likely to move around. Most will outgrow nanos. If you're really interested in anemones, (I love them), you should wait until your tank,(s), have been up, and healthy for at least a year. Use that time to do research on them. This gives your tank plenty of time to mature/stabilize, and you plenty of time to do lots of research and get enough experience to try critters that are much more difficult to keep because of their delicate natures, and specific needs.



New Member
Well said B. I made the mistake of trying out a RBTA before I really knew a lot about them. Yes, it died... :sad:


New Member
Lol, Erik, youd think people would be happy when their nems split.

Go for an RFTA, really easy to care for, dont move around, survive under fluoros, high nitrates accelerate growth, bright red in colour, dont live for hundreds of years so no guilt. See my thread in the general section.


New Member
i was happy when i found out my GBTA split, but the problem was it was to big already, and then it split double the trouble. to GBTA moving around my twenty. not to mention my tomato clown hosted both and wouldnt let my perc host the other half. so i got rid of them both and my clowns. maybe some other time when i get a bigger set up.