Color-Change Blue Zoos!


New Member
I thought I was totally crazy when I looked into my tank at my blue zoos and thought I saw that the skirts had changed from brown to yellow. But I was finally able to get my hands on a decent camera and I took some macroshots with it. This pic has not been photoshoped in any way(though I did crop it in MS Paint).

You can see how the darker blue zoos have gained yellow coloring on their skirts from the powderblues next to them.

This may not be anything new for some people, but it is totally out of this world to me so I wanted to take a pic and post it.

I have a bigger version of this image sans the text on my desktop. I am hoping that in the future the skirts will gain more yellow. I am also going to try this with some of my other zoos. :loveface



New Member
I'm sure someone will chime in here soon for this thread, wish I could help but I'm not much of a zoa person.


Staff member
My best guess would be that it has something to do with lighting, current, or the food they are getting or a combination of the above. They are real nice looking and I would be proud to have either the originals or the new color morphs.


very common and in this case very welcome change :) all corals will adapt their zoxanthelia to the tank lighting and nutrient levels.....this may take as little as a couple weeks to as long as a year. very nice zoas!


New Member
Well i can say is that zoanthids are amazing creatures cause they tend to change to a whole different thing i had something like u well similar i had a colony that was all green skirts with grey center .... but later some of the lower ones mute to a really nice light pink and what a pick they look nice so they are pink with green skirt now.... ill try to post some pics here and also more in the bottom of that frag 2 polyps of eagle eyes came ....from no where .... really amazing creatures zoanthids are :shock: :shock: