Club newsletter


New Member
Regards My name is Ed and I am an officer of the Reef Aquarium Society of Charlotte( Currently, I am in the process of our monthly newsletter and we are featuring nano-tanks in this newsletter. I just wanted to drop a line and say that I will be perusing your site for more information on this subject. I have never had a nanotank but know some who do.
Anyway, if I ask stupid questions it's because I'm stupid about nanotanks. I do have a 55g mixed reef and have been at the hobby for about 1.5 yeras now. Thanks all and I look forward to the wealth of information I have stumbled upon.


New Member

The only stupid question is the one that wasn't asked. I think the strongest part of this forum is how the people on this forum act. I read a lot of forums and this is by far one of the best behaved and most informative. The search function near the top of the page is the first place I would suggest looking. Place general words about the subject you have a question and voila!


New Member
Um, I think anything about the size of a 20 gallon is a nano. One big do is to go slow and take your time. A general don't I guess would be to try to put a mandarin in a nano :neutral: I just started in this hobby in general and have only dealt with nano tanks. Research the corals and critters you want to put in and make sure that they will be happy, not just survive. Like I'd love to stick an octopus in my 10g but that is just not going to happen. Generally a lot of people toss out bio-balls, bio-whells, and ceramic thing-a-ma-bobs and use live rock, live sand, and chaeto (spelling? spaghetti macroalgae) along with chemipure carbon. Hang on back filters get modified into refugiums all the time and we are always looking for a working nano-skimmer :) HTH


New Member
:welcome... ED... and well EDDY (me)says hi!! :lol: :lol: and well in here there is not a stupid question at all and dont worry if someone acts mean Moderator Cops will come to the rescue or SUPER EDGRAY :lol: J/K.. Ok ed enjoy the site and keep us posted.



New Member
Thanks all. A bit of background.
I have been in the hobby for 1.5 years now and have kept everything from plain polyps to acropora and allkinds of fish. I, like some if not most, learned the hard way and before I found my local reef club. I am pretty versed in starting and maintaining a tank and some general fish/coral knowledge. I currently have a 55g mixed reef. I am not too smart when it comes to controllers, Ca reactors and the like(yet). Looking to upgrade to a 90g this month, so wish me luck there.

Why would one choose to go nano?
Are there certain "staple" coral/fish that beginner/advanced hobbysists go for?
On the whole, what kind of lighting systems does one use on a nanotank?


New Member
I chose to go with a nano because i dont have the $$ or the room to go with a bigger reef, and also because it is easier to see the gobies :D

The "staple" corals would mostly be softies, like zoas, xenia, shrooms. Alot of people also keep LPS like frogspawns and hammers. The outgoing people sometimes (not alot) do easier to keep SPS, like monticaps and the like.
The "staple" fish would be perc clowns, gobies :D, damsels.

Alot of people use Power Compacts. People really like Metal Halides and i believe we are starting to like t5s. (i persronally right now use PC lights, but will soon upgrade to Metal Halides)