Clowns and Frogspawn


New Member
I have 2 clowns in my 29g tank. One of them has been hosting my ric for months while the other found a cave to sleep in. I noticed this morning that the cave dweller has taken to my frogspawn. Is this safe for both the frogspawn and the clown? I ask due to the skeleton that sits beneath and how aggressive clowns can get when hosting.


New Member
Generally the frog will become accustom to the clown hosting it. I've even had a clown host a feather duster, now that was odd. I wouldn't get too worried unless you start to see the frog closed up for too long or any tissue recession. If that happens relocate the frog for a bit. The clown will likely find a new host and you can move the frog back. Other than that there's no issues for the clown or frog.