

New Member
OK thanks, what about Frogspawn? We loved our Anenome but it died. I have the deluxe 24 Gal NanoCube w/hood that has 2x36 watt-50/50 Dual Spectrum Bulb. Flow is 290gph, 25W pump. I don't know if it was the water or the Lighting that did it in. There is so much about lighting one article said that some of the lights will burn the corals etc. I haven't gotten the greatest advice from the LFS.


New Member
ive heard of burning corals but i havent been in the hobby long enough.

clowns will host almost everything....from what ive heard


New Member
The stock lighting on the cubes isn't strong enough to keep anemones. These are some of the most difficult creatures to keep in the hobby, and shouldn't be attempted until you're very clear on they're needs and then only in a mature tank that's been setup and stable for close to a year.

Clownfish don't need an anemone. In the wild they use it as a safe haven. In our aquariums they don't need it, because there aren't predators looking to make a snack out of them. At least if you've setup a tank correctly there shouldn't be. :lol:

My clowns have hosted things besides anemones. Frogspawn, Torch, mushrooms, Green star polyps, pink paly polyps, Anthelia, and my favorite was a tank-raised occellaris that really took a shine to the cleaning magnet. :mrgreen:

Bottom line is your tank,as it is, isn't suitable for an anemone. Your clowns will do just fine without one. If you decide you really want to try to keep one, do some research on them, upgrade your lighting, and wait until your tank has had time to 'mature'.

Good luck,



New Member
Thanks to one and all for the advice. I think the cause of death of the Anenome was the Bristle Worm. It was the kind that stings and kills anenomes and corals. I got the big one with hemastats after dark. Got the Crab that eats Bristle worms and took out the live rock piece the other one was in. Never found it though. Am going to try again tonight. Wish me luck. Gosh those are nasty looking worms. bleaaack!


New Member
My clowns sleep on and beside my green brian. The clowns are tank raised and treat the brain like an anenome.