Clown fish coloration

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
There is a clown fish variant where the three white bands bordered by black lines are replaced by three yellow bands bordered by white lines. Is this a color morph of A. ocellaris or what? Here is a pic showing a specimen.



New Member
That is a gold-striped maroon clown. They can get large and are more aggressive that other clowns IME. One of my favorites though.


The Kapenta Kid

New Member
Thanks. That's very helpful. It is a real beauty. The pic doesn't do it justice, just a quick and dirty shot for color ID. It's only about 1.5 in. long but it will presumably grow too big for a 15 gal tank.
However, I have a plan B :mrgreen:


New Member
yes maroons are one of the neatest but also most aggressive and largest of the clowns. I had a pair a long time ago that use to spawn on a regular basis in my tank, but i had to get rid of them because even in the 125 they were so territorial that the female beat up everyone else in the tank. she also thought it was her right to rearrange my corals and even some smaller rocks whenever she was in the mood. i currently have two of them in my hex that a reef club member hatched and raised himself - he had a bunch of them needing homes so i took two but have no idea what i will do with them a couple years from now.
by the way notice the spines on the cheek - the maroons are a species in a genus all by themselves as the only clown with this feature.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
Interesting. I think I have noticed this incipient behavior in my 1.5 inch specimen. It tries to impose on tankmates, of which there are only two gobies, A. yanoi and V. signatus. The gobies hang out in a strongly swept open tidal cave at the foot of the rockwork. The clown leaves its normal station regularly and goes down there clearly intent on driving them away. Of course, it is out of its element and they are in theirs. They just take advantage of rockwork and eddies to cling on and stay put while it gets blown around like thistledown.