clown and damsel


New Member
I just wanted to share my clown and damsel. I've heard they are both very territorial fish however mine have become best friends. They're always hangin out together and they take turns surfing in the currents. It's like they're showing off for each other and they're like hey watch me do this.



New Member
Nice pictures!

The damsel with get territorial with age. The older they get the meaner from what I have heard. Similar thing with the clown too. IME though, the maroon clowns get really nasty once they begin to host an anemone.



New Member
Well I guess I will keep an eye on them. For now they're even sharing the same cave to sleep in at night. I've got a tomato and another damsel in my 12 and they are doing OK as well. Thinking about putting them into my 60 with these two. Not sure.

OH yeah.. Can you see all the little tiny white dots on the glass. Not the big ones but the small ones. they look like microscopic star fish. I think I had a mini brittle outbrake or something.