Closed loop Nano system!


New Member
As most who have read my threads know by now I've been comtemplating on buying a 37g tank. However, after much researching, I am thinking about just adding a sunpod or ocean light to my tank nano tank and creating the first closed loop nano system.

Also, I want to create an closed loop in my nano tank simply by increasing the circulation within the tank. The reason for this is because I would like to allow nature to takes it place without much chemical or mechanical filtration involved.

I read on Nano reef how someone created an 18x18x18 on a closed loop is he is having much success. Another person had a closed loop from another site which he has also had much success. The key to their success is circulation within the tank. I would like to try this in the nano tank.

I'm still working out the design of the chambers and how the pluming would work, but I don't think it would take much since the nano cube basically has a closed loop already.

I have removed the sponges, carbon, rings and bioballs and now I'm planning on simply circulating the water at a rate of 400GPH. I may have to increase the circulation a little but I'll give this a try and see what happens.

Stay tuned for the follow up. :alice


New Member
I would start a little higher than 400gph... that is about where an average flow 12 gallon tank should be anyways. Plus, you are going to want some sort of mechanical media to complete the purpose of the high-flow tank. THat is to keep all the detritus etc in suspension where it can then be removed from the tank. I also think that you will still benefit from running carbon, especially if you dont have a skimmer. Remember too that you must be sure the overflow in the nanocube... where the water enters teh back chambers... can handle the additional flow of a pump that is used for the CL, assuming you will have the intake in the rear chambers somewhere.

Keep us updated.



New Member
reefman23 said:
I would start a little higher than 400gph... that is about where an average flow 12 gallon tank should be anyways. Plus, you are going to want some sort of mechanical media to complete the purpose of the high-flow tank. THat is to keep all the detritus etc in suspension where it can then be removed from the tank. I also think that you will still benefit from running carbon, especially if you dont have a skimmer. Remember too that you must be sure the overflow in the nanocube... where the water enters teh back chambers... can handle the additional flow of a pump that is used for the CL, assuming you will have the intake in the rear chambers somewhere.

Keep us updated.

I'm headed to the LFS later today to buy my second PH rated at least 400 GPH. If they have the 900 GPH, I'll buy that one.

For now, I've taken everything out of all chamber with the exception of the heater. I've even taken out the stock pump with the plumbing. My current PH is secure on the wall of chamber 3 with the air tube going into chamber 3. On chamber 1, I will add the second PH so that each PH face each other to give off good circulation. The air tube for the second PH will go into chamber 2 where the heater is.

In chamber 2, I also have live rock rubble to help with the biological filtration process.

Currently with just one PH, My temp has stabilized between 75-79 degree's which is better than when I had the hood on causing the temp to hover around 83 degrees.

Stay tuned as I continue to work.


New Member

Well, after trying out the PH's in my display to increase the flow, I took back the PH's and brought a MJ1200. I now only have one PH in my display area. The flow with the MJ1200 and PH 201 is better than the two PH's I had in my display area. So, I put the MJ1200 into chamber 3 with some Chemi-pure and added some purigen and phosphateguard into chamber 1.

While at my LFS, I noticed that had a 22gal MJ Delphin tank which looked really nice. The tank comes in a complete set for only $299. However, I really wasn't interested in the tank as much as I was interested in the setup.

It seems that the setup can be the same in a 12g as it is in the 22gal. So, I've decided to put off the CL in the 12g and order a protein skimmer which will fit into chamber 1.

Stay tuned....