New Member
I just noticing lately that my cleaning crew (neriths,ceriths, blue legs & scarlet hermits) are more active lately it is cause the quality of the water is improving or there is a reason why my crew were slow and hidding all the time and know they are more active and well i used to have the nitrate really high but now is lowering and i see my coral bigger and happier and my cleaning crew more happy an active. my water looks christal clear ... mm my surface is clean sometimes i guess my skimmer is not working that good ill fix later and then my diatom problem is not that bad like it used to so hopefully thats the reason all my life stuff looks happy ill post pics later .. and ill have my water test on saturday hopefully everything is in cero ...instead of high..


New Member
It maybe that there is just more there for them to eat .
I noticed that mine did not come out as much the first few days then I did see them more . Not really sure tho. Glad to hear that you are getting your diatoms under control :)