Clean up crew - what is the most important critter?


New Member
We all have varying clean up crew critters but which one single creature would you say makes the most difference to the health of your tank. I know they all serve different purposes but if you could pick one, which would it be?

A starfish, fighting conch, peppermint shrimp, etc?


New Member
Mini blueleg hermits would be my pick because they go after algae and detritus. However I don't think that any one critter will do the whole job. I've got lots of stars, snails, crabs, and shimp to help with cleanup.



New Member
I think my favorite and the most hard working in my tank is the Astraea Conehead snail. It's smart enough to stay away from the hermits and is constantly changing color with coralline.


New Member
The most important member of the cleanup crew is the human who devotes hours upon endless hours and bags of cash to keeping the system operating! Everyone in the tank is just along for the ride, lucky freeloaders!


New Member
I would definitely have to say my cleaner shrimp does the best job. He always seems to be working non-stop either picking algae from rocks, or cleaning the other tank inhabitants