

New Member
I have been using two bags of charcoal in the nano. Is that overkill or should I even be using charcoal? I change it out once a month and it's about that time. Thought I would ask.


New Member
It may be overkill it depends on how big the bags are. How much carbon does each bag hold? I change my carbon out every week or two after that it loses its ability to filter out the crap from your water and starts releasing junk back into your tank. So I would change it out more often than once a month. I change out a cup of carbon with every water change which I do once every week and a half. I have an 18G tank


New Member
I don't know how many ounces the bags are. I'm going to buy more this coming weekend and I'll post it to see what you think. Also I did an impulse buy yesterday, bought a sea slug. Now that I read up on them, might be a mistake. I do feed plankton but I guess they can kill everything in the tank if they die or are threatened. Though it sure is eye candy. I'm going to take it back.


New Member
Yeah I would definitely take back the sea slug. They are really cool but if it dies in a small tank your tank is finished. They are highly toxic. I thought about getting one for a while but then decided against for the before mentioned reason.