> Changing Tank, Can I Just Move Everything Over?


New Member
Ok, so i've got my new 30Gal tank for my marines to move into and i was wondering if i could just take EVERYTHING from my nano tank (filter media) etc and avoid having to do another cycle in the new tank as surely if i did it this way im already going to have all my beneficial bacteria....

What ya reckon?


New Member
If you use new sand, you are less likely to have another cycle. If you move your existing sand bed, you may experience a small cycle lasting a couple of days. Other than that, you can use the same filters, rock, etc without any problems.




New Member
The bacteria on the LR that you are transfering over will seed new sand. If you move the sand over you are more likely to have another cycle like Jesse mentioned. Also you could use new sand (probably going to need more anyway) and place some of the old sand with it to speed things along.



New Member
Ok, so new sand, but just move everything else over and seed the new sand over the next week with old? Or just shoove it in as well? My current sand won't even cover 1/6th of the new tank so i don't think it'll be to big a problem?


New Member
The sand from the old tank should be just enough to seed the new sandbed. Place some of the old sand behind the rockwork in the new tank.
