Cat proofing lids needed


New Member
Need help to cat proof lids on 5 gal. hex., 10 gal. standard, and 55 gal. standard lid, light combos.

Anyone got any ideas?


Staff member
Glass tops fit pretty tight and unless you can lift up on the handles I don't think you'll be able to open them up. Another option would be to surround the tanks with the matting that cats hate to walk on, this would keep kitty away from the tanks.


New Member
glass lids aren't really an option for my 5 hex unless im feeling really crafty with my dremel, which i can promise, i am not.


New Member
use light deflector from homedepot or lowes. looks like egg crate, its plastic, and you can cut it to any shape you want. look for it in the flourescent are of lighting section.


New Member
Seabass has the most logical solution. It will not restrict your airflow and will be sturdy enough not to give in (assuming you do not have cats that are 'hefty' as mine are)

:welcome to the board Seabass!



New Member
5.5 lbs. luckily. She has stopped trying to open the lids. Few squirts of lemon juice when she did and she has decided that it isn't in her best interest. She still is trying to go behind the tank to get a closer look at Snake, the dojo loach. She likes that when she gets close, he freaks out and takes off at breakneck speed through the tank.

Also, she has become fascinated with the 55 gal. since we added that cichlids. She sits on the kitchen table staring with longing. That's one I know for sure she can't knock over though.