Re. my post 'need to make some more room' I must have had a total Homer moment
I was worrying about being able to fit filter, skimmer, heater in the tank due to lack of room topside...completely forgot that all the lights are being suspended from a wall bracket above the tank. It suddenly hit me last night that there's no cause for panic at all, there's loads of room.
Tank is now dismantled from it's temporary site and being set up in my den, alongside my PC. Hoping to get water in it over the weekend, livestock soon.
Gentlemen, I humbly apologise for wasting your time answering my silly questions.

Tank is now dismantled from it's temporary site and being set up in my den, alongside my PC. Hoping to get water in it over the weekend, livestock soon.
Gentlemen, I humbly apologise for wasting your time answering my silly questions.