Cap in hand, on bended knee...


New Member
Re. my post 'need to make some more room' I must have had a total Homer moment
I was worrying about being able to fit filter, skimmer, heater in the tank due to lack of room topside...completely forgot that all the lights are being suspended from a wall bracket above the tank. It suddenly hit me last night that there's no cause for panic at all, there's loads of room.

Tank is now dismantled from it's temporary site and being set up in my den, alongside my PC. Hoping to get water in it over the weekend, livestock soon.

Gentlemen, I humbly apologise for wasting your time answering my silly questions.



New Member

I'm happy it was a mistake in your favor.....Usually when I have a 'Homer moment', it means I've gotta work extra hard to fix it.



New Member
I can't believe I did that, you know...I spent ages working out this and working out that, and then panic set in when I realised I was running out of room.

What a silly boy I am........



New Member
Rich said:
I can't believe I did that, you know...I spent ages working out this and working out that, and then panic set in when I realised I was running out of room.

What a silly boy I am........

When my Dad and I were working on the plumbing for my current setup in the 75g we had one of those moments. Luckily my wife caught the problem and pointed it out. Basically on my 75g I have the return going into the tank then it gets split into two separate oulets. I also have what amounts to an internal closed-loop, with a lot of little nubs of pipe stickin out from the sandbed that generate a ton of current that's all run off a mag9 that's sitting in the tank between the two return outlets. My Dad and I had spent all day trying to get this all put together, cut just right, making multiple runs to the hardware store to get more pieces, etc... Long-story-short we had screwed up the siphon break bigtime. My wife shows up after we've been working on it for probably 6hrs, and says "What about a siphon break.", we pointed out where it was. And she said, "Oh ok". We all have dinner and hang out, and as we get ready to leave she tells me our design wouldn't work as a siphon break. I started to argue, then just told her to show me. We go out to the garage, and sure enough she's right, and we ended up having to make a few mostly minor changes to get it to work properly. All I can say is I'm glad she caught it when she did.



New Member
That could have been VERY embarrassing later on....75 gallons of water all over the floor has the habit of upsetting wives somewhat, I find.

Well done to your wife Sir, for being sharp eyed...and well done yourself for being man enough to admit to taking her advice !!!
