From the link I'm not sure that you and I are looking at it the same way.
What I think you're describing would be his tank overflows to the canister filter which then pumps water into the sump. The water is then pumped back to the tank via the return pump. I don't think this is what's happening in the pics, but I could be wrong. If it is set up this way, it's not a very good idea. If the pump in the cannister filter fails, or slows down even then it's probable the return pump in the sump is going to outpace the siphon on the tank due to all the twists and turns through the cannister filter plumbing and it's likely to end up flooding the main tank, and have your return pump running dry which can burn them out.
Trying to equalize flow rates between two pumps is ALWAYS a bad idea, and eventually one that will fail.