Can anyone tell me what type of coral this is ?


New Member
I bought a carribean Ricordea today and I didnt notice it when I was at the LFS but when I got the coral home and in the tank I noticed the rock had some other inhabitents growing on it also but I have no clue what they are so I was hoping some one on here would be able to help me Identify it



New Member
The picture is not the best but if you are referring to the brown one it looks like apasia NUKE it , they tend to sting other corals and pack a wallop as well as spread like wild fire ..... If you can post a better picture and circle what it is you are asking for Identification of .... if your asking about the blue it looks like a yuma, or a ricordia HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
I agree with sadie...look like aiptasia. I highly recommend getting rid of it with a product called Joe's Juice. most LFS carry it. You just apply a small amount to the center of the aiptasia with an included syringe. It can be used in the tank and is reef safe.



New Member
I think I will make a trip to the LFS and get some of that and get rid of them I dont need to lose anything being that I just finally adding new stuff thanks for the help although one other question I dont know if I can get a pic of it because its kinda center in the tank but in the back but I found something thats growing that looks like the pulsing zenia but with out the stalk I will see if I can get a pic of it and I also have a little colney like of these little brown stalks with 2 or three real fine like hairs coming out of them any one have any ideas what they might be? thanks for the help once again.


New Member
amf82380 said:
I found something thats growing that looks like the pulsing zenia but with out the stalk I will see if I can get a pic of it and I also have a little colney like of these little brown stalks with 2 or three real fine like hairs coming out of them any one have any ideas what they might be? thanks for the help once again.
I think you are discribing two different kinds of feather dusters. These are very common, very safe. you will discover many of these over time.

It is always fun finding cool hitchhikers...Its been over 2 years for me and i still find things....crabs, snails, all kinds of things.



New Member
it could be a type of xenia I have seen it with out the stalk , it could also be green star polyps , but from the brown discription I am lead to believe that it is a cluster duster all are harmless . As reefman says with out pictures it is hard to ID . Here is a picture of them in our tank for refrence :mrgreen:


Staff member
I am having trouble seeing the pics (monitor settings I think) but the last pic is an aiptasia for sure.


New Member
Those pics on the site look almost identical to them I noticed that some of the small little stalks only have 2 things that look like real fine hair on them but the other ones have what look like little feathers on them hopfully They turn out to be ok to have there pretty cool looking and especially when they were free. :mrgreen:


New Member
I would go with the wait and see, there is no reason to kill them so soon.

There is always time later.... :twisted: