calcium reactor vs. doser???


New Member
Hey guys! Im in the process of modifying my 18g finnex m-tank to drain down into a refuguim/sump then return back up. But I am also wondering on whether to use a calcium reactor or a doser for calcium. I am planning on having mainly sps and clams with a few LPS and some xenia (gotta love xenia :loveface). Any help or experiences with either would be an awesome help to me. Also I'll start a new thread this week with pics of the modification and custom sump setup.

Here is a preview of the sump not quite finished yet but very close:



New Member
Personally I'm not a big fan of reactors in general. However in order to maintain an SPS/Clam tank, you'll need to keep your calcium levels high, so your choice is to setup up a reactor, (and monitor it regularly), or plan out a dosing regimen, and stick to it religiously. For a nano, I'd just dose it manually, but it's really just a matter of preference, cause either way will work just fine.



New Member
By Monitor it regularly do you mean a few times a day, once a week, or once every couple weeks? And if i was to dose it i would set up an automatic doser of calcium suplements with a gravity drip of kalkwasser to keep everything stable. I would like to know more info on the reactors of possible. If anyone is running them here please let me know your expieriences with them. Thanks. :mrgreen:


New Member
Once or twice a week should be fine.

I don't know too many people that run reactors on nanos. I don't remember anyone here doing so. You're likely to have more luck on nano-reef, just because of the size of the boards. You can always find a ton of info on them on RC, but it won't be specific to nanos.



New Member
Thanks incysor, I was hoping to find the information on them on nano tanks. Ill keep you guys updated though and let you know how things turn out. As for the modifications ill put up pics by the weekend I hope. Should be a nice setup. =)


Active Member

I use a calcium reactor with my setup. I've included a series of pictures on my setup on my thread 72 gallon bowfront evolution.

Please feel free to ask me any questions...

Mike G