buying online fish/corals


New Member
hey fellow nanotank members

i was just curious on some feed back in regards of buying fish as well as corals online?i have never bought none but the prices are just so good. i was just scared that the whole shipping method is very stressful for corals/fish .


New Member
shipping is stressful on anything, but there are lots of companies out there that know what they're doing and have really good track records. If you're thinking about one in particular you can check the feedback forum here, and I'd check the ones on reefcentral as well.

I've only ordered online a couple times, just because I like to find really colorful specimens when I'm looking for something. You can see them in a store, you just don't know what you'll get when you order online, even if it's healthy it may not be quite as bright as you'd like, or as small/large, etc...


New Member
So far, everything I've ordered online has been great--but that's all because I ask around for vendor reputation.

But when it's instances like eBay...I've NEVER had a problem...all my experiences from ordering online have been pleasant. I wouldn't worry too much...there's only one vendor I would never order from:

Blane Perun

I've heard terrible things about how the livestock shows up on their door--and I won a blasto coral on an auction he had...for 3 weeks I emailed him about paying him (ebay keeps giving me that error when I try to pay via paypal so I needed his e-mail address to send payment) response. Then after the 3 weeks, I get an e-mail saying "sorry I lost those blastos"...he's lucky I didn't give him negative feedback :( feeling is he sold it somebody else and just forgot that I won it /shrug...not the worst I've heard of his business practices.