Button/Meat/Donut Coral (Cynaria)


New Member
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone's had experience with these guys. Any info appreciated cos i saw a green one at the LFS and was thinking... How much coral can i stuff into the tank without nematocyst war happening? :wink:


New Member
Other than the fact that these guys can get BIG, I think you'll be fine.

They like meaty foods. I had a plain brown one given to me. I ended up having to give it away because when it swelled up it took up about a 4x10 inch circle on one side of my 55g.

Some of the green ones and pink ones are really gorgeous.



New Member
Hi incysor

Thanks for the heads up; saw a 2.5" green at the LFS but they dont go cheap. The brown ones dont look too good though. But since you say they'll swell up really big, cant really have it half the size of my pico.

Thanks again.