New Member

everyone , i hope everyone is fine and well here im bothering you guys/girls again...

i have a question lately i been looking that i have alot of bubbles coming from my sand bed and i dont know why do you think i have a leak or something or is normal to have bubbles coming from it and is that a bad thing or not if so can i do something about it...

well my babies are fine just like the coral the only thing i still have diatoms problems but not that bad like it used to and the parameter are not bad eather... nitrate 20 ,nitrite 0 .. gs 0.022 ph 8.2 ...


New Member
More than likely it is just the sand settleing down dont worry about it unless your water level is appearing to drop , mine did that when I first set it up because of the really small grain size to the sand , it will eventually go away .You may see one or two every now and again :)


New Member
bubbles follwed by purplish/brown ugly slime is cyanobacteria. best thing to combat is is mixing up some chemi-clean. (make sure it's well dissolved, and toss it in) should rid it.

Diatoms stage in general is an "ugly" time. All you can do is keep doing water changes and watching. Eventually it'll die and clear up.


New Member
ok... thx for the quick reply sadielynn and dragon79 ... and well sadielynn i dont see the bubbles once in a while i see them all the time is like my sand is breathing just tiny bubbles all the time i dont know if is cause of the nassarius ohh well and the water in not lowering just the usual (evaporation) and well i have some brown slime stuff but i clean it every now and then with my turkey baster and with teethbrush(sometimes) but i hope the diatoms problems get better when my macro gets here although is till wednesday hopefully and dragon79 i forgott to tell you im feeding my mandys with my turkey baster and works great ... i love to see them pigging out with cyclop eeze and brine s. and well the green mandy (male) loves the brine he is the piggy one and then my spotted one (female) she likes them too but she seems to love the cyclop better than brine but is funny to look at then chasing the brine that is going to the surface :lol: :lol: they run for it then they get lazy and i have to use the baster to give them some in their face cause they get sick of chasing them so they are like common eddy help us here ... give us some close to us :) :) and same thing with clowns getting really good too they eat their flakes and then they pig out with the mandys food ..(i feed flakes then in 5 minutes i start to feed the zyclop ezze with some brine but the clowns only eat the zyclop and dont pay attention to the brine) then i keep using the baster with the mandys for 30min so they dont miss any brine ... cause i dont like the waste of food i keep telling them that there are some fisshies starving to death so they dont have to waste any so the eat lol :lol: :lol: ... well thats my story for today sorry if this is borring for you guys but im really :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D looking that everyone is happy in my tank even though is over populated :lol: :lol: ... uhhh ohh sorry i forgot sorry again and also my green mandy (male .. draco ) is always in front of the tank i dont know if looking out side and trying to fight with my or he thinks that there is another male in his territory and he fights with the glass for couple of minutes is really cute im enjoy in him more than froggy (spotted mandy female) and i think they are getting used to see me infront of the glass all the time staring at them when im there they get close and the male puts his antena up like saying whats up dude!!! lol then the female looks at me and then she runs to her cave ... maybe im too ugly for her lol... ok im stoping now sorry.... i just wanted to share my happiness...
