brown hair algae


New Member
i dont understand the cause of this algae-all my levels are as followed:
ph 8.2
salinty 1025
nitrate 0
calcium 350

what will cause this outbreak out of no whee -my tank is doing well other than this algae growing on my powerhead and glass


New Member
test for phosphates perhaps the problem is there. Are you using DI/RO water for top offs? Do you use it when mixing your salt (assuming you do that) or do you buy it already made? Old lighting can also be a contributer, and if you have more waste in your tank (high bioload)


New Member
What tank? What filters? What light? How many hours of light? Is your temp stable? Do you use tap water or tes for phosphates? Also, how much algae (meaning if your tank is clean how long until the algae begins to develop). That is way to broad of a post to help you without you giving us more info.
