brine shrimp farmer


New Member
Hey guys/gals. I think it's time for ol Steve-O to become a shrimpy farmer, hehe. I ordered the "Artemia Hatchery dish" from

I also ordered the brine shrimp net. It's a fine nylon type net, that will scoop up the baby brine shrimp up. Oh what a treat the spotted green mandarin will love to eat. I also got with my order a free "freeze-dried copepods" sample. (Not sure, if it's something you just add to the tank and they feed? Or is this like a sample to harvest my own copepods? Anybody know?) Well anyway, I have my brine shrimp eggs, and when I'm ready I'll start the harvesting of my very own baby brine :) Just doing some reading of the manual and reading a bit more before I start. Here's a pic of what I ordered :) Not bad for like spending 20 bucks :)



New Member
Sweet. I've always wanted to do that. Let us know how it comes along. I hope it all works out for you.

Any idea on how long it takes to get a live batch of brine?


New Member
djconn said:
Sweet. I've always wanted to do that. Let us know how it comes along. I hope it all works out for you.

Any idea on how long it takes to get a live batch of brine?
according to the site, it says in as little as 24 hours. In the instructions it says it can take 36 hours to 48 hours. I'll have to see for sure when I try it :) It's a cheap and easy process. My goal the entire time was to break the mandarins habit of only eating just live copepods. He has gone from eating just live pods in the tank, to eating cyclopeeze. (took some feedings or so before he took to it) Then I gave him adult brine two weeks later. He can eat like 7 of them before he gets full. I'd give the adults some liquid life bio-plankton, and after depletion I'd put it right in the tank, and then "gulp gulp gulp" mr. mandarin eats it up. I want to try mysis now to see if he'll eat that now as they resemble the adult brine...he may eat that too. I'll let you and the others know though :)