Brand New 24G NanoCube!


New Member
Well, I just took the plunge and purchased the 24Gal Nanocube. It should be here by by tomorrow. I have browsed this Forum for awhile looking for ideas/advice and have recently joined. I was hoping for some expert advice with my setup.
1. Should I use the ceramic rings in the filtration system, or replace them with liverock rubble as some have suggested, and should I run with the carbon in all the time or only when the water yellows.
2. I ordered 30lbs of Liverock online. I know there will be tons of die-off, and I will need to cure it for awhile, but it should come back right? Should I supplement with some cured rock from my LFS? My LFS gets it in in 2000lb shipments so I know he is getting his by truck too. Won't the LFS rock have been in transport as long as my pre-cured rock from the distributor? I got my rock from Oceanpro aquatics so if anyone has had good/bad experiences with this company let me know.


New Member
Hi and :welcome to Nanotank!

1.) I'd use the LR rubble but as for the carbon some will say 24/7 some will say just sometimes, but to be safe I'd suggest running it all the time.

2.) You will still need to cycle the rock, even rock that is labeled 'cured' when purchased online is still going to need to be cured. You're right, the LFS rock has been in transit as long as yours has so the same applies. Now if it has been in their system for a few weeks thats a different story. Again I'd suggest just sticking with your 30lbs and letting it run its course and starting your tank from scratch with no supplimenting.

As for Oceanpro aquatics, I've never heard of them so I can't give you any pros or cons with this company. Maybe some of the other members know of them and can let you know what their experience was.

Again, :welcome to the board!


New Member
Yeah is good to run the carbon 24/7 and replace it every 3-4 months well if is CHEMI-PURE..just a thing dont use the carbon that comes with the tank is not a great kind of carbon for marine world is better to use special carbons like CHEMI-PURE or kents carbon....

and cured or not cure you will always have to cycle them and they'll help the cycle.

and well :welcome.


New Member
Great advice for the Carbon. I was going to order more from the JBJ aqua-store but will hold on that. I know my LFS carries Kent.

Any advice for the sponges, or use 'em as the manufacturer suggests? Is it possible to modify third party sponges to work? No one in town here carries JBJ products so saving shipping would be nice.

Arghh... I just found out my Live rock is delayed. It is stuck in Minneapolis due to Red river flooding in Minnesota and can't go North. River has crested and should only be a day or two. Man, I hope it's alright. Should have sprung for the overnight shipping and factored in AOG.


New Member
In my 6 gallon cube I use one sponge on the bottom, then Seachem's Purigen packet, then one more sponge. They are stacked up on top of each other in the 1st chamber. 2nd chamber has rubble and macro. 3rd chamber has heater and PH. This has worked pretty good for me thus far...

Welcome to Nanotank :mrgreen:


New Member
Same here 1st chamber chemi-pure then on top a sponge(replace it with a clean one ever 3days) 2nd chamber LR rubble, thermometer cord & anti electric shock cord 3rd chamber Heater & pump. and this has work for me too like a charm.