Brackish Fish?


New Member
Hi, i've got 2 bumblebee gobies and a dwarf pygmy puffer and was wondering if i could eventually add these to my tank or is this not going to be possible? I'm presuming it won't be but i know people have added black mollies before without problem, so i was wondering if these two species would survive?


New Member
I am not sure I had 2 gsp puffers that went full marine over a period of time . It is done slowly over the course of about 3-6 months you could try it by bringing the spg up a point aweek so brackish is usually around 1.015-1.017 so every week bump it up from for example 1.015 to 1.016 ect , has some one that does brackish and puffers as a specialty, others here may be able to help you you could also search . I do know that once you add a puffer they will eat shrip, crabs and snails .They can also get territorial as well .That is about the extent of my knowlege here :mrgreen:


New Member
Hmm, someone on that forum said that all brackish fish can adapt to 100% saltwater over time, so i could use the tactic you've stated or another one apparently is to float it for about 6 hours slowly adding more of the solution it's in and hope for the best. The problem with slowly (6 month kind of thing) is that i do not have a tank to do this in, they're currently in a freshwater setup with minimal salt in as other fish aren't salt water tolerant...


New Member
DO NOT do it same day it CAN KILL them
if you want or wish for them to go marine do it over a period of weeks / months they need time to adapt to the changes in the water pressure salt is a bit diffrent in density than fresh will bump it up a point or 2 per week you do this till you get to full salt 1.020-1.025 just take your time put them in a tote bin if you have to ,to switch it over, or get another tank for it other wise you are RISKING your fishes health plain and simple go slow :!: :mrgreen:


New Member
Hmm, ok, but are we certain this is possible? Because i don't want to put like 3 months worth of effort into converting the fish to find it dies the day i leave it in >_< Also im a bit concerned about the compatibility of the gobies and puffer with any corals etc...


New Member
Those are things that I cannot help you on is the compatibilty they may nip at corals the puffer that is ...........That is why you go so slowly to monitior their health during the transferr with anything like this you are taking a risk . I had puffers (GSP) that went full fresh to full salt in about 4 was a slow task , They went to the marine department at the lfs where they were sold . They are still thriving full salt to this day it has been over 2 years ago since I had got them I had them for a year and traded them about a year ago ..... :mrgreen:


New Member
Im not trying to be rude but you shouldnt do that ....they might get used to it or not but is kind a cruel if they were ment to be freshwater fish is cause there is a reason dont you think..... but if they handle it be aware that the life span of the fish will be short ....and also why?? if there are more beutiful species on saltwater and more colorful too.??

but well good luck and we are here if you need matter what happend

eddy :cool1:


New Member
No, they're brackish species not freshwater so it's not particuarlly cruel no, i.e. saltwater or freshwater and both of these actually prefer a more salty environment. The reason why is i'd like to keep them (as originally my tank was a tropical setup) and at the moment they're just in a small tank and not really showing they're true colours (bumblee gobies can look great)


New Member
Ed they do do well in a higher spg . Most brackish can go full marine but I do not know if they stay there , as some species do . Some are born in the estuaries and when they grow go to the ocean as adults some do not , some stay in the estuaries as brackish ...... we had green spotted puffers they were bought in total fresh water as they grew they went brackish , and then to marine when they were traded out they went to the marine tanks of the store , where they thrived for a few weeks before being sold . Many times they can go full marine however there are species that do not . As I said I am not real well versed in brackish species but have some experience with them as I did keep them for a period HTH :mrgreen:
One other thing not to sound harsh there are NO guarantees in anything we do they could die be it in fresh or salt or brackish


New Member
ok just concerned about poof fishies :oops: but yeah thats right alot of fishies that are freshwater go to the ocean ... (for their vacations :lol: :lol:)... but ok sounds good thats how all the discoveries start with one person and then other ones will follow so good luck and best wishes.... and :shock: :shock: so you had an experience with that ha sadye great....

eddy :cool1:


New Member
so you had an experience with that ha sadye great....
as I said limited experience :mrgreen: I had them for close to a year and they did well but I could not keep the normal clean up crew , shrimp ,crabs , or snails as they would seek and distroy that got to be a bit expensive but they needed it to trim there beaks :mrgreen: My opinion is brackish is not for a beginer just too much involved and many need tanks of 20 gallons or larger for their health they need large over filtration and are very dirty as well as messy eaters so the weekly changes should be more 2x aweek and larger due to the messes :mrgreen: