Blue Coral Banded Shrimp?


New Member
Hi guys,

Am now in malaysia; on holiday from uni. Will try to get shrimp from here and bring them back to canberra in a bottle of water. Will put in some chemi-pure and oxygen generating balls in the bottle. I'm not pating with $$219 for a cleaner shrimp in canberra!

All i could procure at this time of year is the red lined cleaners, the normal coral banded shrimp, fire shrimp and a single specimen of 3/4" BLUE coral banded shrimp!

Just wanted any advice anyone could give me about any of the mentioned species in a 2.5. Unfortunately, mated pairs of the coral bandeds arent available. Currently, looks like either the blue guy or a pair or trio of red lined cleaners or the blue guy. Afraid that the fire shrimp will hide perpetually. Will definately get sexys if they come in next week; or harlequins for sure!


New Member
mihkaail said:
Hi guys,

Am now in malaysia; on holiday from uni. Will try to get shrimp from here and bring them back to canberra in a bottle of water. Will put in some chemi-pure and oxygen generating balls in the bottle. I'm not pating with $$219 for a cleaner shrimp in canberra!

All i could procure at this time of year is the red lined cleaners, the normal coral banded shrimp, fire shrimp and a single specimen of 3/4" BLUE coral banded shrimp!

Just wanted any advice anyone could give me about any of the mentioned species in a 2.5. Unfortunately, mated pairs of the coral bandeds arent available. Currently, looks like either the blue guy or a pair or trio of red lined cleaners or the blue guy. Afraid that the fire shrimp will hide perpetually. Will definately get sexys if they come in next week; or harlequins for sure!
I've had one coral banded shrimp. I won't have another one. They're beautiful shrimp, especially the blue ones, but as they get larger they get agressive. Mine killed several other shrimp, and at least one fish that I saw. I've read about other folks that have had similar experiences, and I've got a couple friends that had the same thing happen. I don't think it would be a problem if you don't keep them with other shrimp, and larger fish, but obviously you won't have larger fish in a 2.5.

I think the harlequin is a bad idea in a 2.5. I think it will be difficult to maintain your water quality in that small of a tank with a dying/injured starfish in your tank.

My fire shrimp have always hid a lot, but they're beautiful. In a 2.5 there won't be nearly as much space for it to hide though, so you'll probably see it a bit more often.

Good luck.



New Member
would the harlequin shrimp survive in my 6 gallon jbj cube? Just made me think of them, me loving the shrimps and all :)


New Member
I'm sure it would be fine. All the rest of your tanks are doing well, so you obviously keep you water quality high. They don't really require a bunch of space, just clean water. Mine is doing fine in my 6g.



New Member

Thanks incysor, will take into account your advice on the CBS. I used to have one in a 10gallon; he was okay with everyone, sat dead centre in the tank; his antennae flailing about.

Just wondering, do blue coral banded shrimp grow smaller than the regular ones? On live aquaria, they say they get to an inch while regular ones are up to 2". Not sure whether to believe them cos i'm sure my CBS was at least 3".

Has anyone tried putting a tiny 1/2" CBS with a 1 1/2" red lined cleaner shrimp? Maybe i'll try that cos the blue CBS i saw was SOOOOO small that he cant make a meal out of the red lined cleaners. Also, although great cos he's rarer than the regular CBS, the blue one's TINY and wouldnt be nice as the ONLY shrimp inhabitant.

Well, just some food for thought.