My girlfriend has 2 blood/fire shrimps. (very small) I guess while one was shedding, it got attached by inhabitants and even it's fellow buddy was picking at him and chasing him around. When I looked at him, he was already missing a lot of his legs.
I had to setup an emergency pico. (the redsea .75 pico) I put him in there, injured and all. One eye, and like 3 legs on him. He's been in this emergency pico for a week. He still looks the same, he hasn't died and is still rightside up. The poor dude just has a hard time gettin' around.
I'm throwing in baby brine I'm hatching for him to eat.
My question is, will he regrow his lost limbs? Or with what he has already lost, will he not be able to shed properly?
I had to setup an emergency pico. (the redsea .75 pico) I put him in there, injured and all. One eye, and like 3 legs on him. He's been in this emergency pico for a week. He still looks the same, he hasn't died and is still rightside up. The poor dude just has a hard time gettin' around.
I'm throwing in baby brine I'm hatching for him to eat.
My question is, will he regrow his lost limbs? Or with what he has already lost, will he not be able to shed properly?