Black and White tank inhabitants


New Member
Hello everyone,
I am new to the world of saltwater but I have spent the past few months researching whatever I can get my hands on.

I have a 20 gallon tank from walmart and a 10 gallon sump/refugium. I would like to have a black and white only theme that I have read about on other forums, but they are not used to Nanos so I was hoping to get some ideas here. I would really like to incorporate black and white clownfish (a pair preferred but I understand they would not be too happy living in a 20 gallon). Are there any other suggestions for a newbie?


New Member
There is also the Black Sailfin Blenny, or the Sailfin/Algae Blenny that has a grayish appearance.

The is also the Black Clown Goby.


New Member
I think i will add a green bubble coral. Can I recieve some feedback on this decision?

Will the clownfish be a bad idea?


New Member
Bubbles are pretty aggressive i believe. PLus, their flesh is pretty fragile.

I have a B&W ocellaris and I love him. A pair probably isnt a good idea like you said, but a single one is great.



New Member
Hmmm......ok, I'll have to find something else to place in there (maybe starting with corals, fish and inverts isnt the brightest of ideas?