Biospira help, please


New Member
I have a 2 month, 1 week old 10 gallon tank that's having some nitrate problem (20 ppm) and excessive red slime algae growth. Is it possible to add Biospira now to reinforce the bacteria that I already have established, or will this make my tank parameters more out of whack? Has anyone had experience with this product after the tank has been set up and somewhat established?


New Member
i have had experience with bio spira but only in freshwater, it helped reduce the nitatres but i would recommend not over feeding the tank. Im not sure how well biospira works for saltwater tho...


Active Member
Biospira will not do anything for Nitrates, that's the end product of the nitrogen cycle. You need to do large water changes, and better gas exhange, meaning good circulation and stop feeding for a while.

They can take two days straight without feeding, then minimize the feedings to once a day and then to once every two days for about 2 weeks.

Your nitrates should go down, stay on top of the water changes....

Mike G


New Member
Thanks mike. Will take your advice. currently, i feed 3 times a day, since I have 2 clowns, and didn't know how often they should be fed. I'll wean them off slowly per your advice and do the water change regimen. I need to figure out how to produce saltwater more cheaply. Currently I buy 5 gallons for 10.00 of NSW from PetCo. Do you think it would be better to buy it from LFS instead? How much do they charge per gallon, do you think?


Active Member

PetCo is way over priced. I pay 7 dollars tax included for 10 gallons of water from my LFS. And we are talking about Catalina Water, real saltwater.

I don't think you have a nitrate problem, 20 ppm is on the high end only for SPS corals.

For your tank 80ppm would be bad for your fish and corals...

Your nitrates are from feeding 3 times a day; your fish will eat as much as you place in, you will see the change in nitrates if you do the water change and lower your feedings.



Staff member
I know I am a bit late responding but I have to agree that Biospira won't help with nitrates, if the problem were nitrites or ammonia then it could be useful. I feed my tank every 2-3 days and the tank looks fine, fish are nice and active and everything looks good. How is the flow in your tank? Sometimes increasing flow can help with cyano, between good flow and cutting back on your feeding (your feeding the cyano too due to excess nutrients) the cyano should begin to subside. I have also heard of people keeping their lights out for a couple of days to get rid of it.
On the water thing, the $10 price tag for Catalina Water at PetCo is their normal price, try checking with some other local fish stores to see if they carry it or sell premixed saltwater from RO/DI water. You could also look into buying an RO unit and making your own, this would also eliminate the carrying water all over the place. You can use an RO unit without having it installed if your in an apartment or something. I have mine just sitting on the counter with the drain line in the sink and use a faucet adapter to supply it with.


New Member
leakyfaucet said:
Thanks mike. Will take your advice. currently, i feed 3 times a day, since I have 2 clowns, and didn't know how often they should be fed. I'll wean them off slowly per your advice and do the water change regimen. I need to figure out how to produce saltwater more cheaply. Currently I buy 5 gallons for 10.00 of NSW from PetCo. Do you think it would be better to buy it from LFS instead? How much do they charge per gallon, do you think?
Yeah leaky 3 times a day thats crazy time a day is more than enough believe me if you do 1 fedding everyother they that will help you alot that help me! and now im again by everyday but feeding just what is needed i feed almost like half of a 1/8 teaspoon and i have 6 fish......and the clowns are like pigs they will eat anytime that you feed them but dont let them fool you they dont need alot of food.