T The Kapenta Kid New Member Apr 16, 2007 #1 I just discovered that the site censor does not allow you to write R*ssia in its correct spelling in posts. This is bizarre. When did R*ssia become an obscene word?
I just discovered that the site censor does not allow you to write R*ssia in its correct spelling in posts. This is bizarre. When did R*ssia become an obscene word?
R reefman23 New Member Apr 16, 2007 #2 I may have been a popular term in the multitudes of spam we were receiving over the last few months. Jesse
I may have been a popular term in the multitudes of spam we were receiving over the last few months. Jesse
T The Kapenta Kid New Member Apr 17, 2007 #3 Aha, I see now. Meet R*ssian girls and that sort of thing.
K KidNano New Member Apr 17, 2007 #5 Spain is definitely west of Poland and the borders definitely do NOT touch. You're probably thinking of Portugal not Poland.
Spain is definitely west of Poland and the borders definitely do NOT touch. You're probably thinking of Portugal not Poland.