Best macro/micro camera for the $buck$


New Member
Okay.... I have been looking at nice macro pictures online from nanotank and others! I have a cannon SD630 which has a macro setting but no luck! Is there a camera out there that won't have to break the bank? I thought paying $300 for this camera would do the trick for some descent pics but after reading what other were using.... and then looking up the price for that particular camera! Huh.... I can't shell out $2,000 plus. So if anyone can tell me any secrets it would help. Thanks


New Member
Well, that camera has a 3cm macro like mine, you should be able to take decent close-ups. Have you played with the white balance and ISO? Granted, you probably wont get any of those crystal-clear single-polyped macros, but you shoudl be able to take some decent close-ups. I couldnt do anything with mine until one day it just clicked and I was able to do some close-ups.

Dont know if that helps or not. In order to get the real close-up single polyp shots, I think you will need an SLR... could be wrong.



New Member
Thanks Jesse. Kind of funny.... hmmm it helps to read the manuel! HA,ha,ha I put it in macro setting but there is also another setting you could use for macro. So pictures about inch from the glass are GREAT. But after that it gets a blurry picture. My girlfriends cousing told me to see if there is a water proof casing ti take really close up pics but theres not. Sounded like a great idea? Anyways, if anyone knows of a cheap digital camera please chime in...... Thanks


New Member
is the glass spotless? If there is anything on the glass the camera will try to focus on it and it can cause the picture to be fuzzy or blurry.



New Member
Yeah, glass is spotless but I don't know if the current has anything to do with it? Then again the distance is about 6-8 inches away including the glass thickness.


New Member
check to see what type of focusing it uses. Some cameras use infrared (but i'm not sure what the other types are either) and it sounds like it's seeing the glass and not through it. Maybe you can turn the autofocus off and try it that way.


New Member

R U USING IT IN FLASH MODE if you are then you are getting reflection from glass so it may be throughing off th focus see if it has a manuel setting for focus & try shooting @ an angle to get less reflection
hope this helps & best of luck