beginner questions


New Member
Hi. I am a beginner in coral reef but I have some experience in freshwater fish. I am thinking of getting the Nanocube 12 gallon for a coral reef and have a few questions:

How many fish/coral can I realistically fit in a 12 gallon, if I keep all the stock filter/light, without effecting water quality?

Do I need to buy other equipment other than the Nanocube (ex, power head for water movement? additional filter, heater, etc.) or can I really keep everything stock?

I want to get at least 2 clown fish and an anemone. What is the most "clownfish-hosting-friendly" anemone to get?

What other saltwater fish are perfect for the Nanocube?

Thanks in advance


New Member
Welcome to Nantank M4 \:D/
A nanocube would be a great tank to start off with! As far as how many fish, I would think 2 to 3 small fish would probably be okay if you have the correct filtration or skimmer b/c there will be substantial waste produced. I could see 2 small clowns doing just fine. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with nanocubes in particular but I know lots of people in this forum do. I would think that you would need to add a powerhead to the system and maybe add a skimmer or some kind of little filtration system. Not sure about the lighting but my guess is that it is insufficient for keeping corals. Do some research and find out what the wattage is but I bet its low.

As far as an anemone, I really like bubble tips because the orange and green ones look amazing. Mine didn't do so good but I attribute that to the fact that I was gone for a month and it was not taken care of properly. That would make a great clownfish host.

Keep us updated with your progress.