BC 29 newbie


New Member
Just set up 2/24, this sight has been very helpful. Plan on stocking with 2 clowns and maybe one other unknown(recommendations wanted).helpful hints and suggestions are also welcome.

25lbs. lr
1 1/2" ls



New Member
i like your rock a lot. only thing i think though is that you prob need to make sure you can clean between the left side and the glass and/or that the snails can get in between there, it looks a little tight in the pic.
i think your clowns will love the 2 lil caves though.


New Member
awesome scape - take some advice now, turn the lights off for a month........ you'll be glad you did 6 months from now.


New Member
Thx for the lighting tip, will shut them down. The pic is a little deceiving, there is about 2" of space between the rock and glass, enuff room to get a magnet by. Removed bioballs & added 5lbs lr rubble to chamber 2. Still unsure about mods to chamber 1. Just added hydor rotating head(not sure about this either).


New Member

I see that you added 5 lbs of lr to the 2nd chamber. Have you added any light for this chamber or do you have to? I have asked this question several time and have not received any answers. Perhaps you know the answer or someone can!

Also, some say to add the lr and some say not to! To add or not to add is the proverbial question!


New Member
if you are just adding live rock rubble to the chamber no light is neccessary. fuge lights are only if you want to grow cheato back there. however i have said this before i don't think this practice is neccessary at all. the live rock in the display will more then handle a normal bioload and the rock in the back area tends to just trap detritus which can cause more trouble then cure JMO


New Member
In response to adding lr rubble to the 2nd chamber, I was told that it would be more beneficial than the balls if I was planning on keeping soft corals. I did leave a layer of balls over the lr just to help with the water distribution. The tank has only been running now for 5 days, in your opinion should I go back to the balls or do a 50/50 split. I don't want to create a situation that is going to cause me problems later. I've also been told that the balls can de a nitrate trap. It appears they both have ups & downs, thats why I'm thinking maybe using both in the 2nd chamber. What to do? :confused


New Member
IMO, set up some type of filter (that can be replaced often) before the water gets to any of the live rock in the chambers. This will trap detritus and allow your rock to do what it's best at. I wouldn't put in any bioballs and instead just run all rock. The point behind the bioballs is to have surface area for the bacteria to grow. The live rock (with its porous composition) does exactly the same thing but in a more natural way. Jesse said this to me before and it makes sense that the bioballs actually work too good. It breaks down the matter so fast that it ends up pumping out nitrate faster than the tank can use it up. Thus the reason that they are considered nitrate factories.