The Kapenta Kid
New Member
I know that when you feed FW fry with BBS it is important to cleanly separate the baby shrimp from the eggshells since if the fry ingest the latter it may cause them problems.
However, I run a BBS hatchery to provide supplemental live food for dragonets. After the settlement has occured in the liter bottle I just let all the water with the BBS and quite a few eggshells drain out and use this as feed. Most of the egshells naturally remain stuck to the sides of the hatching bottle.
I assume that letting a small proportion of the shells into the feed mix will not harm my fish or water quality.
The reason why I take most of the water and not just the BBS concentrate from the bottom of the hatchery is that the water provides a convenient top-up for tanks and need not be thrown away.
Is this OK?
PS. I find in fact that most of the shells that are added with the BBS water float up to the top of the tank and can be scooped off with a fine net. This, of course, would not happen in a FW tank.
However, I run a BBS hatchery to provide supplemental live food for dragonets. After the settlement has occured in the liter bottle I just let all the water with the BBS and quite a few eggshells drain out and use this as feed. Most of the egshells naturally remain stuck to the sides of the hatching bottle.
I assume that letting a small proportion of the shells into the feed mix will not harm my fish or water quality.
The reason why I take most of the water and not just the BBS concentrate from the bottom of the hatchery is that the water provides a convenient top-up for tanks and need not be thrown away.
Is this OK?
PS. I find in fact that most of the shells that are added with the BBS water float up to the top of the tank and can be scooped off with a fine net. This, of course, would not happen in a FW tank.