Yesterday I turned lights out early after checking to make sure everything was ok in the tank. We came in very late last night and I didn't get to turn the lights back on til about noon today (no timer on lights yet). When I reached back to turn them on I noticed the banded serpent quickly move back behind the rocks. Next to where he had been was my torch frag on the sandbed eaten up. After a full blown fit I moved him into the fuge in hopes of saving him from further damage. My question is "did the serpent do this?". The torch was perfectly fine yesterday afternoon when I left (being new to the tank, it's checked a few times a day), but as of this morning was obviously either knocked down or pushed down and eaten. I've never heard of a serpent eating corals, but it was in that exactly same location in the tank as I clicked the lights on. Everything else in the tank looks perfect, as the torch did last evening. Needless to say, it's a sad day here!