Back after a few years


New Member
I am putting together a 24g Nano cube from JBJ. Would like any impute you may have on this tank and I am looking at building a mini reef in it. I am not going to put the Bio balls in or the rings. Should I put a piece of live rock in there or a skimmer in it? Any help or suggestions would be realy great.


New Member
you will want you live rock to help with cycling
as for the other stuff I am not to sure if you want to use it
if you are regular with the h20 changes you may not need to have a skimmer
also picts of your progress :)

Master Er

New Member
Its a nice looking tank but better do some research first, there have been lots of cracking issues with the 24G which I am sure you wouldnt want to happen. I have a 12DX and as far as I have read, the 12G's are more solid. Smaller but tougher. Whether you use the 12 or the 24, just as Sadielynn mentioned, you wouldnt need a skimmer as long as you religiously do water changes at least once a week but some reefers do use a protein skimmer. I dont use any type of filteration in my cube except during water changes. For surface clarity I use a surface skimmer which I fashioned out from a Sega game cartridge.


New Member
one thing that I failed to mention is that once established and cycled
the bio balls and glass rings are a nitrAte factory causing sky high
nitrAte once all levels are at 0 you are cycled


New Member
If you haven't put water in the tank yet, I'd take it back and get a 30g oceanic cube instead. Lots of folks have been having problems with the 24g cubes cracking for no apparent reason. There are several threads about it over
