

New Member
does anybody know how quick baby peppermnt shrimp grow?
what do they eat?
i also have about 40 baby pom-pom crabs or boxer crabs, and wondering the same info.
the pom-poms are to small to take pics of, but i did use a microscope and you can make them out!
in the morning there all over tha glass.
has anybody had luck with pom-poms?


New Member

No practical experience with them but learn in marine biol class that in planktonic form (the stage before crustaceans settle), it hasnt been ascertained if they feed. If they do, it is likely they feen on microalgae and other phytoplankton in the water column.

In the settled phase, id assume theyd eat flakes which settle on the bottom, maybe powdered pellets? Possibly naupli and/or zooplankton. Not too sure though. How bout putting a good piece of LR in the rearing tank and changing it with a cured piece every three days or so. The LR's prob got loads of stuff for them to feed on. Just make sure no snails/bristle worms on it though.

Btw, how did you get them to breed in the first place?


New Member
Thats awsome. Most things like that turn into food in most tanks. Its interesting that they have come along this far. Keep us updated with your trials. ;-)


New Member
i bought my pom-pom at my local store and when i got home i noticed it had a large egg sack between its legs(dont know why i didnt notice it before i got home).
i thought they would end up food, but they hide in between the LR and the glass.


New Member
That's really cool.

I had a pepermint shrimp with the same thing. I think she died before they were even born.