Auto Top-Off Questions

Master Er

New Member
What would be more accurate in terms of topping-off a Pico tank, the float-switch type or the one that uses gravity? I made myself an auto top-off system but still am contemplating whether I should use a pump or just rely on gravity. At the moment it works using gravity (nurce) but I did some minor mods to it to accept a pump by switching one hose. Will post pics on DIY Index tomorrow.


New Member
It depends on the size of the pico. If you're talking a 2g tank then I'd probably go with a float switch, if you're talking a .75g, then I'd probably go with the gravity version, cause I wouldn't want the float switch taking up space.

I think that they're about the same as far as reliability as long as you're good with you're DIY, which you are.


Master Er

New Member
Thanks for the advice, either way is good then. And thanks for the complement...I'll be posting it after i'm done with this message.