Are these isopods good for my tank...


New Member
I know isopods are bad cause they can kill your fish by getting in to their gills but i dont think you have them are you really really sure that they are not Amphopods i say this cause at first i thouth i have isopods too until they grow and they were more clear to my naked eye and well also can be mysid s.?? mmm.... can you catch a big one and take a pic of it ....? that will be a big help...


New Member
Yeah i already click that link and well i know how isopods look like and i always give that link to newies so they can identify their hitchicker... but anyways.. i mentioned that cause somethimes we think we have something that is not but if you do in Xtalworld they give you more info about them but if not wrong like i said they will Host fish and then eventually kill them so thats why they are bad but not sure that if they will host a small fish though!!! but if you can take them out .. you should put them in your Refugium ;-).. Not helpful but Always Trying to help :mrgreen:


New Member
I have the same type of Isopods. I haven't seen them do anything bad yet. I have quite a few of them.

Can anyone confirm if these guys are bad and if we need to rid of them?



New Member

I'm about 99.9% know that they aren't bad. I have them in my 20 long and no problems and thats an establish tank. I forgot until I was looking at my 20L and notice them on the glass ha,ha,ha I guess I was very concerned since I'm getting my 66 going and just wanted to be extra careful to make no mistakes. :mrgreen: