Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter


New Member
Anybody use on of these or know about how well it works??. I am new to marine/reef tanks and just set up my first 14 gal nano. I have been looking at RO filters and came across this. It is only about $40-$60. Would save alot of money if it works good. Does about 10gal an hour. I believe it is just a DI filter not a RO.

Would one of these be good enough for filtering water for a reef only tank???


New Member
I don't have experience with that product but if you are strapped for cash you can go to ebay and get an ro/di unit for about 100 dollars (they normally come with two sets of filters, so you can factor that into the cost of the unit). If you work out the cost this is much cheaper than any other method I found (and still get ro/di water, which is best for reef IMO)