Aquapod Nano-Aquarium System 24 gallon 2-32watt bulbs


New Member
Hey everyone. I am new to the board and new to the Nano hobby. I want to keep Polyps and mushrooms and even leathers...I wanted to know if the lighting is good enough? The AquaPod is 19.75" x 17" x 20" high. Would I be able to keep an aneome? If the light isnt strong enough cn someone help me out? I also wanted to know peoples thoughts on this specific tank and equipment. do I need to upgrade? Thanks everyone


New Member
:welcome to!

No anemones... the mushrooms and leathers and polyps will be fine though. I like my 12g aquapod. I blocked off the 2 lower vents and only left the surface overflow open. I think the 24g is a bit different though. Other than that, great tank.



New Member
reefman23 said:
:welcome to!

No anemones... the mushrooms and leathers and polyps will be fine though. I like my 12g aquapod. I blocked off the 2 lower vents and only left the surface overflow open. I think the 24g is a bit different though. You might want to consider replacing the stock return pump with a Maxi-Jet 1200. Other than that, great tank.

thanks for your info. I will definitley look into the maxi-jet 1200.


New Member
I second no anemone, but it is your tank. Anemones are fickle creatures and even if you got a small one, it will grow and split. I have see them in nanos for long periods of time, but they take over the tank.