aquaclear 50 refiguim


New Member
howdy yall, it was suggested to me that i mod my aquaclear 50 to make it a refugium to put some live rock rubble and "brillo pad" macro algae in. sounds like its got lots of pros, but are there any cons or is it necessary? is there anyone from around the college station area that has any macro algae/rubble/live sand they wanna sell or donate :maitre for a good cause? thanks!


New Member
can be used both ways...i dont any filters anymore, just the refugium. my refugium also has a spot that i can and occasionlly use a filter pad. its up to you which way you want it. i also do water change once a week.


New Member
Yeah, you can always throw in a filter pad or carbon pad if you needed to. I would just run it without but that is just my opinion.

I'd get the biggest one you could find for your 20 gallon by the way. You will prob. need to change out the impeller as mentioned in an earlier post.


New Member
CrazyAggie05 said:
do yall think an AC 50 is big engouh? or do i need to go with an AC 70 or 110 for a 20 gal tank?
I'd go with the AC110, it used to be the AC500. That's what I've got on on the 10g.
